DFDD in Dresden
(weekend Louisiana Ball in Freiberg mei 2012)
März 2013
Nach ein paar Jahren innerer Betrachtung – und mit weniger Auftritten –
hat Des Fais Do-Do das Jahr 2013 voller Elan angefangen.
Eine neue Homepage, mit brillianten schwarz-weiβ Photographien von unserem neuen Percussionisten Alex Vreeman (Cajon, Schlagzeug, ‘tit Fer); aufregende Auftritte wie z.B. auf Europas gröβtem Cajun und Zydecofestival in Raamsdonksveer, dem Louisiana Ball in Freiberg (Groβraum Dresden) und dem Country- und Americanafestival in Borsdorf (unter Leipzig). Leider muβten wir hier eine unbequeme Wahl treffen zum Nachteil der Jazztage in Lichtensteig (Schweiz)
die am selben Wochenende stattfinden. Vielleicht nächstes Jahr !!!!
Die Fans jedoch die keine weite Reise antreten möchten um uns zu sehen wird diese Gelegenheit beim schon erwähnten Festival in Raamsdonksveer (3., 4., 5. Mai) und beim Straβenmusikertreffen in Almelo am 8. Juni geboten. Im Herbst machen wir wieder unsere traditionelle Kneipentour
bei der die “usual Suspects” wie Café ’t Bolwerk in Enschede und
Café De Cactus in Hengelowieder auf dem Programm stehen.
Mai 2013
ZydecoZity 2013 Raamsdonksveer
ZydecoZity was a tremendous experience again after six (6) years of absence! Many good responses en a number of interesting inquiries for gigs; the CD-sales were disappointing however caused by the crises, they say.
This weekend we travel to Freiberg (near Dresden) for Louisiana Ball (May 18/19). Possibly, we also see (new) fans there as we met a few very enthusiastic Germans in Raamsdonksveer.
Louisiana Ball in Freiberg (May 18/19) was quite a happening again, if only because of the beautiful weather during this festival at the idyllac surroundings of Dresden (pictures will follow). Although agreed to skip the festval for the next few years during the outward journey, Kuno convinced us after the two successful performances to come again as a kind of
guest of honour next year! (See journal article below.)
Street Festival 2013 Almelo
After the cosy and busy Streetfestival in Almelo - with very nice weather - some rest for almost two months. For an impression of Almelo, see youtube links below.
August 2013
Achterhoekspektakeltoer 2013 Ulft
(Festival - music and more - 10 stages)
The next performance is in Ulft in the framework of the Achterhoek Spektakeltoer (see links below)
Juni 2013
It was great: fine weather and brilliant atmosphere!!
See news on Facebook, the report of Omroep Gelderland on YouTube (In Dutch, with flash of DFDD at 1:17!) and picture below of Theo Kock.
4. Borsdorfer Country & Western Days 2013
Coming Friday in the van to Leipzig!
December 2013
July 2014
Brielle Blues
See for video-recording of John Zwetsloot
(Genuine Music Agency):
Les Flammes D'Enfer; Little Darlin'; La Porte D'En Arriere;
Port Arthur Blues; Danse De Mardi Gras
From review Brielle Blues in Blues Magazine:
"The cajun & bluegrass mix of DFDD is received by the audience very well. I am not a fan of this kind of music, but these guys know how to get the whole 'Markt' dancing and that is a real merit in itself."
For a full review (in Dutch) here
and for a video-recording (unfortunately without DFDD) here